Milk is considered as an ideal food, containing all essential nutrients and minerals.
However, milk contaminated with pathogenic bacteria could be threat to life. The major
source of such contamination is from poor hygienic or sanitary condition of the person
associated with collection and handling of milk, before, during or after pasteurization.
Now-a-days, milk is marketed mostly as pasteurized milk. Thereby, investigation was
conducted on the assessment of sanitary quality of pasteurized milk sample belonging
to three different brands of Bangladesh namely Aftab milk, Pran milk and Milk vita,
sold in local retail stores. The mean total viable counts as determined were 104166.7 ±
22238.47 cfu/ml (log 5.005 ± 0.001) in Aftab milk, 53633.33 ± 7780.08 cfu/ml (log
4.725 ± 0.002) in Pran milk and 1653.33 ± 266.29 cfu/ml or (log 3.213 ± 0.009) in
Milk vita samples. The result revealed the highest extent of microbial contamination
that occurs on their proliferation in different brands of pasteurized milk. The presence
of numbers of coliforms exceeding the microbiological limit in pasteurized milk
samples may be indicated poor processing control, post-process contamination or
packaging. The mean coliform counts as encountered 105.3 ± 8.69 cfu/ml (log 2.018 ±
0.019) in Aftab Milk, 46.6 ± 5.27 cfu/ml (log 1.66 ± 0.05) in Pran milk and 0.2 ± 0.281
cfu/ml in milk vita. Statistically the coliforms were found more closely related to total
viable count. These appear to be alarming possibility because of being associated with
potential food hazards. The distribution of microbiological count for selected microbial
groups in pasteurized milk sample of three brands, such as total viable counts and
coliform counts demonstrated the fact that the sanitary conditions under which the
product was handled, processed and stored need to be improved.