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dc.contributor.authorROY, KISHOR KUMAR
dc.description.abstractFour Photo-insensitive hyacinth bean genotypes viz. SB002, SB003, SB008 and SB010 were evaluated during summer season of 2012 and winter season of 2012-2013 with a view to characterizing and observing green pod yield at summer season and seed yield during winter season at the experimental field of Horticulture Department, Sylhet Agricultural University. Variation in relation to seed color, cotyledon color, seed shape, flower color, petiole and inflorescence length, pod shape, size etc was observed among the genotypes. Green pod yield and yield attributes greatly varied among the genotypes during summer season. All the genotypes required almost 49 days to first flower. First harvesting of the green pod was made at 86.0 days after sowing for the genotype SB010 while it was 90.0 days for SB008. The highest number of pods per plant was recorded from the genotype SB010 (296.66) which was closely followed by the genotype SB003 (281.33). The genotype SB002 produced the lowest number of pods per plant (175.0). Individual pod weight ranged from 4.58 g to 5.71 g of which SB003 had the highest individual pod weight. The longest pod was recorded from the genotype SB003 (8.73 cm) closely followed by SB008 (8.66 cm). The highest pod yield per plant (1.58 kg) as well per hectare (10.50 ton) was recorded from the genotype of SB003 followed by the genotype SB008 (1.58 kg/plant and 10.06 t/ha, respectively). The lowest amount of pod was harvested from the genotype SB002 (5.33 t/ha). Pod growth parameters like pod length, pod breadth, individual pod weight, pod weight without seed and green seed weight showed an increasing trend from the 9 day after anthesis of the pod maturity. Days to first harvest of dried pod for seed collection ranged from 116 days to 125 days among the genotypes. The maximum number of dried pods per plant was harvested from the genotype SB003 (173.0) followed by SB008 (169.66 day). Number of seeds per pod among the genotypes varied from 3.49 to 4.16. The genotype SB008 produced the highest seed yield per plant and per hectare (600.0 g and 4.0 t/ha, respectively) followed by SB003 (536.66 g and 3.57 t/ha, respectively). The highest 100-seed weight was recorded from the genotype SB008 (47.33 g) while it was the lowest for SB010 (38.83 g). th day after anthesis to 15 then_US
dc.publisherDept. of Horticultureen_US
dc.subjectHyacinth bean genotypesen_US
dc.subjectGreen poden_US
dc.subjectSEED YIELDen_US

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