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dc.contributor.authorMD. JEBU MIA, MD. JEBU
dc.description.abstractThe present study was made with a view to evaluate five cauliflower genotypes viz., CL-170, CL-171, CL-172, CL134 and BARI Fulcopi-1 as well as to observe the effect of sowing dates viz., August 25, September 5 and October 25 on growth and yield of cauliflower genotypes during two consecutive winter seasons of 2012-13 and 2013-2014, respectively under Sylhet conditions at the experimental field of Horticulture Department of Sylhet Agricultural University. Variation of seedling characteristics in relation to seedling height, number of leaves per seedling, leaf length and leaf breadth was observed among five cauliflower genotypes. Days to first curd initiation and days to first harvest were significantly different among the genotypes of which CL-171 was the earliest to first harvest (81.0 days) while the genotype of BARI Fulcopi-1 require 94 days to first harvest. The genotype BARI Fulcopi-1 had the highest whole plant weight (1.13 kg) and marketable curd weight (0.66 kg). However the genotype CL-172 produced the highest only curd weight (0.48 kg) closely followed by CL-171 (0.46 kg), among the five genotypes the BARI Fulcopi-1 produced the highest marketable curd yield (22.44 t/ha) followed by CL-172 (20.4 t/ha). Sowing time had significant influence on growth and yield of cauliflower. The first curd harvest was lowest for the plant grown from October 5 sowing (86.25 days) while it was the highest for the plants in August 25 sowing (91.58 days). The highest whole plant weight was recorded from the plants of August 25 sowing (0.78 kg) while the highest individual curd weight (0.48 kg) and only curd weight (0.31 kg) was recorded from September 15 sowing. The plants in September 15 sowing produced the highest curd yield (16.32 t/ha) followed by August 15 sowing (15.64 t/ha). Whole plant weight, marketable curd weight and only curd weight were significantly influenced by the interaction of genotypes and sowing dates. The highest marketable curd was harvested from the genotype of BARI Fulcopi-1 (20.74 t/ha) when grown from September 15 sowing which was followed by the same genotype from August 25 sowing (18.7 t/ha).en_US
dc.publisherDept. of Horticultureen_US
dc.subjectCauliflower genotypesen_US
dc.subjectSOWING DATEen_US

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